tirsdag den 19. juli 2011


Top//American Apparel Kjole//H&M Sko//H&M Ur//Casio Taske//Vintage

The Kid


Så igår en ny britisk film om livet af Kevin Lewis. Filmen er baseret op hans selvbiografi af samme navn, som er en historie om ham selv der voksede op i en voldelig, misbrugende familie.

torsdag den 14. juli 2011

NeW iN//Hunter Boots

Just bought these new amazing Hunter Boots for the cold and wet weather here in Denmark. They are in the lovely color Aubergine, which makes them have a little twist from just the regular black boot that Hunter sells so many off.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: part 2

Yesterday me and four of my friends all dressed up as Harry Potter characters to go see the new and final Harry Potter movie; and boy, it was amazing! Many of us have almost grown up with the wonderful world of HP, and it seems as a sort of tragedy that it is really over. Luckily we can always re watch the movies and re read the books, which are all amazing. What a delightful night!